
Selasa, 11 September 2018

Beware of Liming on the joints

Beware of Liming on the joints,If the finger feels sore, the most delicious indeed interesting to read fingers rattle. Likewise when waist feels sore, direct memutir of the body up to the sound of the rattle. After that, it feels sore disappear instantly. But is it so? 
Because according to a specialist doctor bone (orthopedik) RS Standby, dr Lukman Shebubakar, fingers or feet joints like flame rattle is a sign that someone is suffering from erosion in the joints or osteoarhritis. 

Beware of Liming on the joints

"In contrast to osteoporosis which means erosion on bone, then osteoarhritis is the erosion of the joint, " dr Lukman Shebubakar in a seminar about osteoarhritis, in Jakarta not long ago. 
Explained, the human body is made up of 206 bones and joints of 230. Osteoarthritis is a joint disease that is characterized by the presence of chronical setbacks on the cartilage of joints and bones, which can cause joint pain and stiffness. 

 "Liming joints will surely be felt every person, especially by people who are already aged more than 40 years. However, it may occur early, "he said.  

Osteoarhritis can be experienced by adults who have experienced accidents, infection of the joints, or it could be on a baby who suffered congenital abnormalities. 
 "Osteoarhritis can happen almost on all joints. Usually occurs at the usual joints withstand heavy loads and is also frequently used in the joints, such as knees, hips, back or spine, hands, and feet,  "he said. 
Symptoms arising from osteoarhritis come gradually. Usually the beginning of a joint, the joint pain, difficulty going up and down stairs, it is hard to stand after a long sit or squat. 

People who are vulnerable and exposed to a high risk of the disease is the person his job cause repeated emphasis on the joint.  "Disease arising in case of liming on the joints can result in up to a centralized form of joints, " he said. 

Why is there a erosion? 

Dr. Lukman explained, the knee joint is the joint with a pretty heavy workload. When standing upright, joints that lock in position so that the position of the body stable. While the time is running, this joint plays the other hinge, so that movements of the legs being flexible. 

 "When we run, or work out, the joints must be able to withstand the load and power walk round the bend, jump or while running. It shows that the knee joints played an important role in any position or movement of the body,  "said. 

Described, in knee joints, there are three components of the bone. The ends of the thigh bone (femur), bones of the lower leg (tibia) bone and knee (panatella). At the end of the bone, there is a component called cartilage. 
Cartilage lines the ends of bones in the role of the joints. With the cartilage, the third of the bones meet, however, is not the case, and movement friction joints become seamless. 

 "According to age, travelling on a parent will happen damage cartilage (cartilage) joints. In addition to the age factor, there are also other factors that can accelerate the process of damage. For example, infection, trauma, high activity or excess body weight,  "said. 

In case of damage, then the cartilage becomes thin and uneven surface. Resulted in friction between bones, causing pain. In addition, the knee joint erosion can also be caused by an abnormal form of the joints. 
He mentioned the Act of bending out (valgus), or bend it into (varus). This condition resulted in body burden will no longer be at the ideal place, but instead shifted outwards or inwards. The part that is experiencing heavy load will be faster than the part erosion experience got no load. 

Damage to the cartilage resulting in movement is no longer smooth. The ends of the bones meet and rub against each other. Cartilage damage stimulates the growth of new bone in the joints, known as osteophytes. With the presence of osteophytes, pain grew worse, and certainly disrupted activity. 
Please note that during this time there were among among lay misinterpreting liming with osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a bone pengeroposan, while osteartritis is the damage to joint cartilage (cartilage). 

To determine whether or not there is an erosion in the joints, in addition to conducting the physical examination, the doctor will also perform a complementary examination. For example, do the x-rays. This inspection is important to know the condition of the knee joint and estimate the degree of damage. 

If a problem is suspected on soft tissue such as ligaments on (veins) or the tendons in the area of the knee joint, it will be performed Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). 

The inspection can be found adannya rips, or other illnesses, on the soft tissue in the knee area such as muscles, tendons or ligaments. The cause of the damage varied including trauma or infection. 

About the treatment, Dr. Lukman mention there are several lines of therapy used to cope with erosion on the knee joint. The early stages are usually given a pain reliever medication. Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs (AINS), seminal mefenamic acid, ibuprofen, piroksikam can be used. 

 "This type of medication side effects, stomach disorders occurred. Besides drinking, can be given anti pain that is applied directly to the skin. Shaped gels or spray is sprayed directly on the area of skin around the knees,  "said. 

The latest type of AINS known as COX-2 inhibitors. The side effects of this medicine against indigestion than smaller channels with ordinary AINS drugs. Later it is known that these drugs pose a risk of heart and stroke. So using them in sufferers who have a heart attack or stroke need to look out for. 

If the treatment is less get results, it is recommended for sufferers to do physiotherapy. Exercises can be done with the help of physiotherapists, to get the normal motion of the knee, and the relief of pain. Exercises that can improve the ability of the muscles around the knee, making it more stable and balanced body position. 

Other therapies is to menyuntikan the drug directly into the knee joint to eliminate the pain. Therapeutic effects can last up to several months. Doctors will consider the Cook-Cook before performing this action, because if too often instead results in damage to the cartilage of the joint. 
Operations performed by arthroscopy surgery, osteotomy, arthrodesis, and arthtoplasty.  "In addition to surgery, there are other ways of healing with physiotherapy, or any other exercise program. Psychosocial support in addition very necessary, even in a simple manner, namely by way of consuming vitamin glukosomin, or with the right exercise, "he said.  

Added, in addition to the importance of considering a person's activities with the appropriate joint strength with age. 

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