
Selasa, 11 September 2018

5 Mark the body Less Carbohydrates

5 Mark the body Less Carbohydrates,Many who think carbs are one of the causes of overweight. Therefore, many people go on a diet of carbohydrates, even avoid it altogether to lose weight. In fact, the body still requires the intake of carbohydrates as an energy Enhancer. The following five signs your body is deficient in carbohydrates.

5 Mark the body Less Carbohydrates

1. Breath smell foul not

Low-carb diet goal is to burn fat into energy, even though most diet experts agree that this diet does not cause weight loss long term abdan. When the body burns body fat, do it with a process called to ketosis, which release chemicals called ketones. Unfortunately, ketones have a foul odor and often out through the breath. The bad news, for those of you who run a diet low in karbo, this diet is not healthy for your mouth, so all done like brushing your teeth, clean teeth, and brushing the tongue may not sufficiently address this.

2. Often fall when sports

When people who are physically active are not getting enough carbohydrates, the body will use protein for muscle function run is required, including building muscle, this is why carbs are often referred to as "partner proteins". Fill the body after exercise to condition the carbs have been burned, will accelerate recovery and body will feel better welcome routines to do the next day.

3. So forgetful

Often suddenly forgot to put the keys or cell phone? Just as the body, the brain also need carbohydrates, which are broken down into glucose for energy. And when the brain cannot get glucose is needed, it is difficult for the brain to work optimally. A small study in 2008 found that women, who underwent low-carb diiet have bad grades while undergoing a series of tests of memory than women who undergo a diet low in calories and nutrients balanced. Then, when women with low back karbo consuming karbo again? Their brains function normally again.

4. Irritability

People who follow a diet low in karbo consistently report feeling more sensitive, stress, and fatigue, even though the result they managed to lose weight. One of the reasons may be because carbohydrates are extremely important for the body to produce serotonin, a hormone in the brain is responsible for boosting morale.

But, according to a study year 2009 karbo, a diet low in comparison to low-fat diets are also less enjoyable. Such research join 106 people with obesity and excess fallow bodies undergo a diet low in karbo or low fat diet for a year. While people from both groups who experience weight loss diet, those who reported experiencing karbo diet low in a bad mood changes over time, whereas the mood of people who live on a diet low fat better, as reported in Health.

5. The CHAPTER is not as usual

"One of the places to see changes in the metabolism of a wide variety of diets that are traveled in your digestive tract," said Dr. Stephen Sondike, MD. Most likely, the change will manifest in the form of constipation, it could be due to low fiber in the diet of karbo. Eating more vegetables high in fiber can help your digestion.

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